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Create a cluster role deployment-clusterrole which can create Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet.

Create a service account cicd-token in namespace app-team1.

Bind cluster role deployment-clusterrole to the service account cicd-token.

2 Scale Deployment

Extend deployment presentation to 4 pods.

3 NetworkPolicy

Create a new NetworkPolicy allow-port-from-namespace in namespace my-app.

Ensure the new NetworkPolicy allows the pods in namespace echo to access port 9000 of pods in namespace my-app.

Further ensure the new NetworkPolicy:

  • Forbidden the access from the pods which doesn’t listen to port 9000.
  • Forbidden the access from the pods which aren’t in namespace echo.

4 Expose Service

Re-configure the current deployment front-end to add a http port for container nginx: 80/tcp.

Create a service front-end-svc to expose the port.

Configure this service to expose the pods by their NodePort.

5 Create Ingress

Create a nginx Ingress:

  • Name: ping
  • Namespace: ing-internal
  • Use port 5678 and path /hello to expose service hello.

Can use this command to check the availability of service hello: curl -kL <INTERNAL_IP>/hello

6 Get Pod Using Highest CPU

Find the running pods using much CPU resources by the pod label name=cpu-loader.

Write the name of the pod using highest CPU to file /opt/KUTR000401/KUTR00401.txt (existed).

7 Schedule Pod to Specified Node

Schedule the pod:

  • Name: nginx-kusc00401
  • Image: nginx
  • Node selector: disk=ssd

8 Check Available Nodes

Check how many nodes is Ready (except the nodes with Taint:NoSchedule).

Write the number of ready nodes to /opt/KUSC00402/kusc00402.txt.

9 Create Pod with Multiple Container

Create a pod:

  • Name: kucc8
  • App containers: 2
  • Container name / Image: nginx, memcached

10 Create PV

Create a persistent volume:

  • Name: app-config
  • Capacity: 1Gi
  • Access mode: ReadWriteMany
  • Volume location: hostPath - /srv/app-config

11 Create PVC

Create a new PersistentVolumeClaim:

  • Name: pv-volume
  • Storage class: csi-hostpath-sc
  • Capacity: 10Mi

Create a new pod to mount volume:

  • Name: web-server
  • Image: nginx:1.16
  • Mount path: /usr/share/nginx/html

Configure this pod to have ReadWriteOnce permission on the volume.

At last, use kubectl edit or kubectl patch to extend the capacity of PVC to 70Mi, and record this change.

12 View Pod Logs

Monitor log of pod foo and:

  • Extract the log corresponding to error RLIMIT_NOFILE
  • Write these log to /opt/KUTR00101/foo

13 Use Sidecar to Proxy Container Logs

Use busybox image to add a sidecar container named sidecar to the existing pod 11-factor-app.

The new sidecar container should run the following command: /bin/sh -c tail -n+1 -f /var/log/11-factor-app.log.

Use a Volume mounted at /var/log to make the log file 11-factor-app.log available to the sidecar container.

Do not modify the specifications of existing containers other than adding the required volume mount.

14 Upgrade Cluster

The existing Kubernetes cluster is running version 1.29.0. Only upgrade all Kubernetes control plane and node components on the master node to version 1.29.1.

Ensure to drain the master node before the upgrade and uncordon it after the upgrade.

You can use the following command to SSH into the master node: ssh master01

You can use the following command to obtain higher privileges on this master node: sudo -i

Additionally, upgrade kubelet and kubectl on the master node. Please do not upgrade worker nodes, etcd, container manager, CNI plugins, DNS service, or any other plugins.

15 Backup and restore etcd

You must execute the required etcdctl command from the host master01.

First, create a snapshot of the existing etcd instance running on and save the snapshot to /var/lib/backup/etcd-snapshot.db.

The following TLS certificate and key are provided to connect to the server via etcdctl:

  • CA certificate: /opt/KUIN00601/ca.crt
  • Client certificate: /opt/KUIN00601/etcd-client.crt
  • Client key: /opt/KUIN00601/etcd-client.key

Creating a snapshot for the given instance is expected to complete within a few seconds. If the operation seems to hang, there might be an issue with the command. Use CTRL + C to cancel the operation and then retry.

Then, restore from the previous backup snapshot located at /data/backup/etcd-snapshot-previous.db.

16 Troubleshoot Faulty Node

The Kubernetes worker node node02 is in NotReady.

Investigate why this is happening and take action to return this node to the Ready state, ensuring that the changes are permanent.

17 Node Maintenance

Make the node node02 unavailable and reschedule all pods running on this node.


  • Use alias to simplify the command line

    alias kc='kubectl'
  • Use :set paste before edit yaml file to guarantee format


Buy: Cyber Monday 2023 - about 1800 Chinese yuan for CKA and CKS

Prepare: 2024.1-2024.2

Exam: 2024.3.9 1:00 AM